::CFDictionaryRef | copy () const noexcept |
| create immutable dictionary copy
::CFIndex | count () const noexcept |
template<typename petty_t = cf_object_t, typename = typename std::enable_if_t <std::is_same_v<petty_t, ::CFDictionaryRef>>> |
| dictionary (::CFDictionaryRef cf_dictionary, ::CFStringRef key=nullptr) |
template<typename petty_t = cf_object_t, typename = typename std::enable_if_t <std::is_same_v<petty_t, ::CFDictionaryRef>>> |
| dictionary (::CFStringRef key, ::CFTypeRef properties=nullptr, const ::CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *key_callbacks=&string, const ::CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *value_callbacks=nullptr) |
template<typename value_t , typename = enable_if_convertible<value_t>> |
| dictionary (::CFStringRef key, value_t value) |
| dictionary (const dictionary<::CFDictionaryRef > ©) |
| create a dictionary copy The keys and values from the dictionary are copied as pointers into the new dictionary. However, the keys and values are also retained by the new dictionary. The count of the new dictionary is the same as the count of cf_dictionary. The new dictionary uses the same callbacks as cf_dictionary.
template<typename petty_t = cf_object_t, typename = typename std::enable_if_t <std::is_same_v<petty_t, ::CFDictionaryRef>>> |
| dictionary (const std::map<::CFStringRef, ::CFTypeRef > &key_value_pairs, const ::CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *key_callbacks=&string, const ::CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *value_callbacks=nullptr) |
template<typename petty_t = cf_object_t, typename = typename std::enable_if_t <std::is_same_v<petty_t, ::CFDictionaryRef>>> |
| dictionary (const std::map<::CFStringRef, cf::type<> > &key_value_pairs, const ::CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *key_callbacks=&string, const ::CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *value_callbacks=nullptr) |
template<typename key_t , typename = enable_if_convertible<key_t>> |
| dictionary (key_t key, ::CFTypeRef properties) |
template<typename key_t , typename value_t , typename = enable_if_convertible<key_t>, typename = enable_if_convertible<value_t>> |
| dictionary (key_t key, value_t value) |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
CFTypeID | id () noexcept |
reference & | initialize (cf_object_t cf_object, bool retain=true) |
| operator bool () const noexcept override |
| operator cf_object_t () const noexcept |
| operator container () const try |
template<typename petty_t = cf_object_t, typename = typename std::enable_if_t <!std::is_same_v<petty_t, ::CFTypeRef>>> |
| operator type<> () const noexcept |
template<typename value_t , typename = std::enable_if_t< is_convertible<value_t>() || is_compatible<value_t>(), value_t>> |
| operator value_t () const |
bool | operator!= (cf_object_t cf_object) const noexcept |
::CFTypeRef | operator() (::CFTypeRef dflt) const noexcept |
template<typename result_t , typename value_t = result_t, typename = enable_if_convertible<value_t>> |
result_t | operator() (const value_t &dflt) const noexcept |
template<typename value_t , typename = enable_if_convertible<value_t>> |
::CFTypeRef | operator() (const value_t &dflt) const noexcept |
| operator::CFTypeID () const noexcept |
| operator::CFTypeRef () const |
bool | operator== (::CFDictionaryRef dictionary) const noexcept |
virtual bool | operator== (::CFTypeID cf_type) const noexcept |
bool | operator== (cf_object_t cf_object) const noexcept |
bool | operator== (const dictionary &dictionary) const noexcept |
reference & | release () noexcept |
const reference & | retain () const noexcept |