dxd - dynax driver framework 2.2.0d91
cross platform open source driver development framework
This is the complete list of members for dx::proxy::device, including all inherited members.
bundle_id | dx::proxy::device | |
class_name | dx::proxy::device | |
conclude() noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
conclude() noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
connected | dx::proxy::device | protected |
count() const noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
ctl(uint32_t ioctl) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ctl(unsigned int ioctl) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
device(decltype(driver)&driver, ::io_service_t id) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
device(decltype(super::driver)&driver, const std::string &id) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
device<::io_service_t >::device(decltype(driver)&driver, const ::io_service_t &id) | dx::device<::io_service_t > | inline |
device< std::string >::device(decltype(driver)&driver, const std::string &id) | dx::device< std::string > | inline |
device<::driver | dx::device<::io_service_t > | |
device< std::string >::driver | dx::device< std::string > | |
dx_catchall_rethrow() ~device() noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inline |
dx::file::dx_catchall_rethrow(, "name: %s, access rights: %x, sharing options:%x", name, access, share) | dx::file | |
erase(const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
exception(const dx::exception &exception, bool filtered=false) const noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
exception(const dx::exception &exception, bool filtered=false) const noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
file(const char *name, ::DWORD access=GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, ::DWORD share=FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE) | dx::file | inline |
get(::CFStringRef key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(::CFStringRef key, ::CFTypeRef dflt) const noexcept | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(::CFStringRef key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(::CFStringRef key, ::CFTypeRef dflt) const noexcept | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(::CFStringRef key, value_t dflt) const noexcept | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(key_t key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
get(key_t key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
ictl(uint32_t ioctl) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ictl(uint32_t ioctl, rx_t &rx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ictl(unsigned int ioctl) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ictl(unsigned int ioctl, rx_t &rx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
device<::id | dx::device<::io_service_t > | |
device< std::string >::id | dx::device< std::string > | |
info(std::ostream &os) noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
info(std::ostream &os) noexcept override | dx::proxy::device | inlinevirtual |
dx::initialize(const char *path, ::HKEY root, ::REGSAM rights=KEY_READ, const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::initialize(const char *path, ::REGSAM rights=KEY_READ, ::HKEY root=HKEY_CURRENT_USER, const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::file::initialize(const char *name, ::DWORD access=GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, ::DWORD share=FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE) try | dx::file | inline |
ioctl(uint32_t ioctl, const tx_t &tx, rx_t &rx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ioctl(uint32_t ioctl, const tx_t &tx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ioctl(uint32_t ioctl, const void *tx=nullptr, size_t tx_size=0, void *rx=nullptr, size_t rx_size=0) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ioctl(unsigned int ioctl, const tx_t &tx, rx_t &rx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
ioctl(unsigned int ioctl, const tx_t &tx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
kernel | dx::proxy::device | protected |
launch() | dx::object | inlinevirtual |
device<::launched | dx::object | |
device< std::string >::launched | dx::object | |
device<::object()=default | dx::object | |
device< std::string >::object()=default | dx::object | |
octl(uint32_t ioctl, const tx_t &tx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
octl(unsigned int ioctl, const tx_t &tx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
operator const io_registry_entry_t &() const noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
operator io_registry_entry_t &() noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
operator io_registry_entry_t *() noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
operator std::string() const | dx::registry | inline |
operator uint64_t() const | dx::io::registry | inlineexplicit |
operator value_t() const | dx::registry | inline |
operator()(value_t dflt) const | dx::registry | inline |
operator::CFMutableDictionaryRef() const | dx::io::registry | inlineexplicit |
operator::CFStringRef() const | dx::io::registry | inlineexplicit |
operator::HKEY() const noexcept | dx::registry | inline |
operator=(::CFTypeRef properties) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
dx::reference< io_registry_entry_t >::operator=(io_registry_entry_t io_object) noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
dx::registry::operator=(unsigned int value) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::registry::operator=(const char *value) | dx::registry | inline |
operator==(io_registry_entry_t io_object) const noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
dx::operator[](::CFStringRef key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
dx::operator[](key_t key) const | dx::io::registry | inline |
dx::registry::operator[](const char *key) const | dx::registry | inline |
port | dx::proxy::device | protected |
preference | dx::proxy::device | |
preference | dx::proxy::device | |
puid | dx::proxy::device | |
puuid | dx::proxy::device | |
reference() noexcept=default | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | |
reference(const reference &reference) | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
reference(io_registry_entry_t io_object, bool retain=false) | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
dx::registry(::io_registry_entry_t io_registry_entry, bool retain=false) | dx::io::registry | inlineexplicit |
dx::registry(const char *path, bool retain=false) | dx::io::registry | inline |
dx::registry::registry(::REGSAM rights=KEY_READ, ::HKEY root=HKEY_CURRENT_USER, const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::registry::registry(const char *path, ::REGSAM rights=KEY_READ, ::HKEY root=HKEY_CURRENT_USER, const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::registry::registry(const char *path, ::HKEY root, ::REGSAM rights=KEY_READ, const char *key=nullptr) | dx::registry | inline |
dx::retain() | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
set(::CFTypeRef properties) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
set(::CFStringRef key, ::CFTypeRef value) noexcept | dx::proxy::device | inline |
set(::CFStringRef key, value_t value) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
set(key_t key, ::CFTypeRef value) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
set(key_t key, value_t value) | dx::proxy::device | inline |
string(uint8_t idx) const | dx::proxy::device | inline |
device<::version | dx::device<::io_service_t > | |
device< std::string >::version | dx::device< std::string > | |
~object() noexcept | dx::object | inlinevirtual |
~reference() noexcept | dx::io::reference< io_registry_entry_t > | inline |
~registry() noexcept | dx::registry | inline |
(c) copyright 2009 dynamic acoustics e.U. | generated on Wed Mar 12 2025 |