dxd - dynax driver framework 2.2.0d91
cross platform open source driver development framework
The dynax cross platform open source driver development framework provides common C++ driver and device classes to ease kernel und user mode driver development as well as driver interface integration in user mode applications. The kernel framework is based on interface implementations for KMDF (Windows), IOKit (macOS) and Linux (planned).
The dynax driver framework consists of two main parts:
User space
Kernel space
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The framework is lightweight. It precisely executes only the needed kernel KPI. If drivers are slow than due to a bad design and its inherent workarounds. dxd provides the means to help with a clean design, with less pitfalls. dxd takes care about tedious and error prone KPI requirements and therefor avoids the implementation of slow workarounds due to KPI misinterpretation and OS bugs.
The dynax driver framework uses a subset of C++ without real exception handling and RTTI runtime type information.
However dxd does provide some kind of exception handling semantics based on macros. This way you can get at least most of the error handling out of the way of the drivers program flow.
There is a rather religious discussion about C++ and kernel development. You can loose your time and join the discussion or just get your driver done - probably faster in C++, better structured and platform independent with the support of dxd.
dxd classes do provide a way around most kernel pitfalls. Its uncompromised object orientated design helps keeping your code safe, fast, small, nice and clean.
you may spent the extra spare time and do something useful.
(c) copyright 2009 dynamic acoustics e.U. | generated on Thu Mar 13 2025 |