dxd - dynax driver framework 2.2.0d91
cross platform open source driver development framework
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dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t > Class Template Reference

CoreMIDI plugin. More...

#include <dx_coremidi_server.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >:
+ Collaboration diagram for dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >:

Public Member Functions

 operator::MIDIDriverRef () noexcept
 plugin (const typename super::match &matching_dictionaries, const char *id)
 ~plugin () noexcept

Public Attributes

::MIDIDriverInterface * interface = static_cast<::MIDIDriverInterface*>(this)

Protected Member Functions

void arrived (device_t &device) override
 encode and send MIDI from system to device void send(const::MIDIPacketList*pktlist,stream_pin_t*pin){ if(!pin)throw static_cast(not_initialized); pin->send(pktlist); }

Private Member Functions

virtual void arrived ()
 notify device arrivals completed stub

Detailed Description

template<typename stream_pin_t, typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
class dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >

CoreMIDI plugin.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ plugin()

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::plugin ( const typename super::match & matching_dictionaries,
const char * id )
matching_dictionariesthe matching dictionary identifying the driver interface
idcoremidi server plugins bundle ID

◆ ~plugin()

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::~plugin ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ arrived()

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
void dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::arrived ( device_t & device)

encode and send MIDI from system to device void send(const::MIDIPacketList*pktlist,stream_pin_t*pin){ if(!pin)throw static_cast(not_initialized); pin->send(pktlist); }

create CoreMIDI device and attach it to CoreMIDI server

Reimplemented from dx::map::driver< device_t >.

◆ operator::MIDIDriverRef()

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::operator::MIDIDriverRef ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ interface

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
::MIDIDriverInterface* dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::interface = static_cast<::MIDIDriverInterface*>(this)

◆ uuid

template<typename stream_pin_t , typename device_t = device<stream_pin_t>, typename driver_t = proxy::driver<device_t>>
cf::uuid dx::coremidi::server::plugin< stream_pin_t, device_t, driver_t >::uuid {CFSTR(DX_STRINGIFY(DX_PRODUCT_GUID))}

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(c) copyright 2009 dynamic acoustics e.U. generated on Tue Mar 11 2025

a closed source license may be obtained by requesting a written permission from dynamic acoustics e.U.
however - governmental use generally and military use especially is strictly prohibited though.