dxd - dynax driver framework 2.2.0d91
cross platform open source driver development framework
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dxd::wstring< length > Class Template Reference

#include <dxd_string.h>

Public Member Functions

 operator const wchar_t * () const
 wstring (const char *format, va_list va)
 char* printf initializer
 wstring (const char *format,...)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wstring() [1/2]

template<int length = 0x80>
dxd::wstring< length >::wstring ( const char * format,
va_list va )

char* printf initializer

WDMwindows is only able to format a string at PASSIVE_LEVEL

formats va with limitted length,

since _vsnprintf/mbstowcs only terminate destination string if source is less or equal to the length - terminator has be written manually.

converts to wchar_t,

◆ wstring() [2/2]

template<int length = 0x80>
dxd::wstring< length >::wstring ( const char * format,
... )

formats va with limitted length,

since _vsnprintf/mbstowcs only terminate destination string if source is less or equal to the length - terminator has be written manually.

converts to wchar_t,

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator const wchar_t *()

template<int length = 0x80>
dxd::wstring< length >::operator const wchar_t * ( ) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(c) copyright 2009 dynamic acoustics e.U. generated on Tue Mar 11 2025

a closed source license may be obtained by requesting a written permission from dynamic acoustics e.U.
however - governmental use generally and military use especially is strictly prohibited though.