enum | : ::mach_error_t {
ok = kIOReturnSuccess
, not_initialized = kIOReturnNotReady
, not_implemented = kIOReturnUnsupported
, invalid = kIOReturnBadArgument
no_device = kIOReturnNoDevice
, device_error = kIOReturnDeviceError
, no_resources = kIOReturnNoResources
, invalid_data = kIOReturnNoSpace
version_mismatch = err_system(0x37)| err_sub(2)| 0x14
, timeout = kIOReturnTimeout
, unknown = kIOReturnInvalid
, overflow = kIOReturnOverrun
driver_not_installed = kOSMetaClassNoKext
, internal_error = kIOReturnInternalError
, not_permitted = kIOReturnNotPermitted
, exclusive = kIOReturnExclusiveAccess
aborted = kIOReturnAborted
, busy = kIOReturnBusy
} |
enum | : ::DWORD {
ok = kIOReturnSuccess
, unknown = kIOReturnInvalid
, not_implemented = kIOReturnUnsupported
, invalid = kIOReturnBadArgument
device_error = kIOReturnDeviceError
, no_resources = kIOReturnNoResources
, invalid_data = kIOReturnNoSpace
, not_initialized = kIOReturnNotReady
no_device = kIOReturnNoDevice
, version_mismatch = err_system(0x37)| err_sub(2)| 0x14
, invalid_priority = ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITY
, timeout = kIOReturnTimeout
internal_error = kIOReturnInternalError
, exclusive = kIOReturnExclusiveAccess
, aborted = kIOReturnAborted
, not_permitted = kIOReturnNotPermitted
overflow = kIOReturnOverrun
, not_found = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
} |
enum | scale : int64_t {
nsec = 1ll
, usec = 1000ll
, msec = usec* 1000ll
, sec = msec* 1000ll
sec = msec* 1000ll
, msec = usec* 1000ll
, usec = 1000ll
, nsec = 1ll
} |
enum | scale : int64_t {
nsec = 1ll
, usec = 1000ll
, msec = usec* 1000ll
, sec = msec* 1000ll
sec = msec* 1000ll
, msec = usec* 1000ll
, usec = 1000ll
, nsec = 1ll
} |
| Windows: timestamp to Windows time converter. More...
enum | scope { kernel
, user
, kernel
, user
} |
| template parameter defining origin of kernel object or destination of mapping More...
enum | scope { kernel
, user
, kernel
, user
} |
| template parameter defining origin of kernel object or destination of mapping More...
template<typename type_t , int resolution> |
class | __attribute__ ((__packed__)) __scalar |
os_result | _assert (os_result error, const char *expression, const char *frame, const char *file, unsigned int line) |
template<typename ... arg_t> |
os_result | _assert (os_result error, const char *expression, const char *frame, const char *file, unsigned int line, arg_t... args) |
template<typename... types> |
| aggregate (types &&...) -> aggregate< types &&... > |
std::string | describe (os_result result) noexcept |
int64_t | duration (int64_t timestamp, scale scale) |
| macOS: timestamp duration (clock ticks) to time converter
| dx_catchall_rethrow () inline int64_t timestamp(int64_t time |
| Windows: time to timestamp (clock ticks) converter.
void | halt () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const circular::format &format) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const exception &exception) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const log &log) |
dx_packed_end std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const log::level &level) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const log::scope &scope) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const void_struct &) |
bool | os_error (os_result result) noexcept |
inline ::CFStringRef | os_string (const char *string) noexcept |
uint32_t | priority () |
template<typename type_t , typename... types_t> |
type_t & | static_try (const types_t &... args) |
template<typename type_t , typename... types_t> |
type_t & | static_try (types_t &... args) |
int64_t | time (int64_t timestamp, scale scale=nsec) |
| macOS: timestamp (clock ticks) to time converter
int64_t | timestamp () |
| macOS: high precision timestamp (clock ticks) Returns current value of a clock that increments monotonically in tick units (starting at an arbitrary point), this clock does not increment while the system is asleep.
int64_t | timestamp (int64_t time, scale scale=nsec) |
| macOS: time to timestamp (clock ticks) converter
int64_t | timestamp_offset (int64_t time, scale scale=nsec) |
| macOS: duration to timestamp (clock ticks) converter
uint32_t | to (const char *fourchar) |
std::string | to (uint32_t fourchar) |
std::string | version (const std::string &package) |
| installation package version
std::string | version (uint32_t v32) |
dynax driver framework user mode interface namespace
dynax driver framework interface namespace
intended use
dx - dynax driver framework user mode interface namespace
dx - dynax driver framework interface namespace