►Ncf | Corefoundation namespace |
Nmutate | |
►C__string | RAII CFString class |
Cless | |
Carray | |
Carray<::CFArrayRef, cf_object_t > | |
Carray<::CFMutableArrayRef > | |
Cbundle | |
Cdata | |
Cdictionary | Key value pair store |
Cdictionary<::CFDictionaryRef, cf_object_t > | |
Cdictionary<::CFMutableDictionaryRef > | |
Cerror | |
Cinterface | |
Cinterface<::IOCFPlugInInterface > | |
Ckey_value_pairs | Abstract base class for key-value pair types |
Cplist | |
Cpreference | Persistant storarage |
Creference | |
►Crunloop | |
Cpause | |
Csource | |
Ctype | |
Ctype< bool > | |
Ctype< char * > | |
Ctype< const char * > | |
Ctype< double > | |
Ctype< float > | |
Ctype< type_t, typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_enum_v< type_t >||std::is_integral_v< type_t >) &&sizeof(type_t)==1 > > | |
Ctype< type_t, typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_enum_v< type_t >||std::is_integral_v< type_t >) &&sizeof(type_t)==2 > > | |
Ctype< type_t, typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_enum_v< type_t >||std::is_integral_v< type_t >) &&sizeof(type_t)==4 > > | |
Ctype< type_t, typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_enum_v< type_t >||std::is_integral_v< type_t >) &&sizeof(type_t)==8 > > | |
Ctype<::CFTypeRef > | Opaque type serves as type::factory |
Curl | |
Cuuid | |
►Ndx | Dynax driver framework user mode interface namespace |
►Ncoreaudio | Coreaudio - dynax coreaudio namespace |
►Nserver | |
►Ccontrol | |
►Cproperty | |
Cclock | |
Cspdif | |
Cdevice | Streaming device representation of dxd kernel user client |
Cpin | |
Cplugin | CoreAudio server plugin |
Cpreference | Access to the CoreAudio storage |
►Nstream | |
Cdevice | CoreAudio stream client device |
Cstream | |
C__target | |
C_device | CoreAudio client device |
Cdevice | CoreAudio client device |
Cdriver | |
►Cproperty | |
Clisten | |
►Cvirtuel | |
Cdevice | |
►Ctarget | |
►Cdx_packed | |
►Cdx_packed | |
Cdx_packed | |
►Ncoremidi | Coremidi - dynax coremidi interface namespace |
►Nserver | Server - dynax coremidi::server interface namespace |
Cdevice | CoreMIDI device |
Cpin | |
Cplugin | CoreMIDI plugin |
►Nio | Io - IOKit namespace |
►Citerator | Internally used service iterator providing RAII for io_service references - returned when iterating |
Cservice | |
Cport | Notification port |
Cpower | System power notification receiver to get notifications: inherit and connect to runloop |
Creference | |
Cregistry | MacOS IORegistry access |
►Nioctl | IOCTLs namespace |
►Nstream | Stream IOCTLs namespace |
Nclock | Stream::clock domain IOCTLs namespace |
Nusb | USB IOCTLs namespace |
►Nmap | |
Cdriver | |
►Nproxy | OS proxy interface class |
►Nstream | Stream interface |
C_device | |
Cdevice | |
Cstream | |
Cdevice | OS proxy device interface class |
►Cdriver | |
►Cnotification | |
Cdevice | |
Csetup | |
►Nredirect | Redirect std IO |
Cfile | Redirect stdout to file |
►Cindent | |
Cstreambuf | Indented streambuf |
Clog | Redirect stdout to unified logging |
Csyslog | Redirect stdout to syslog |
►Nshared | Shared |
Cevent | MacOS user space shared event |
►Cmemory | MacOS user space shared memory |
Cheader | |
►Nstream | Generic stream interface |
►Nchannel | Generic stream::channel interface |
Ccontrol | |
Copen | Generic stream open request |
Copened | Generic streaming channel buffer description |
►Ndirection | |
Nfrom | |
Nto | |
►Nshared | Virtual device namespace |
Cstream | |
►Cclock | Select/get stream sample rate/iosize |
Cmonitor | Performance monitor shared memory |
Cclock_value | |
►Ccontrol | |
Cpause | |
►Cdesc | Device streaming interface descriptor |
Cclock | |
►Cstream | Dx::desc::stream interface descriptor |
►Cconfig | Dx::desc::stream::config interface descriptor |
Cclock | |
►Cdx_packed | |
Cdx_packed | |
Ctransaction | |
Cpin | |
►Cdevice | |
►Cproperty | |
►Csync | |
Ccycle | |
►Cencoder | |
Cindex | |
Cengine | Generic streaming engine |
Ciosize | |
Cobject | |
Copen | Generic stream open request |
Copened | Generic shared streaming buffer description |
Cpin | |
Cstart | RAII object start/stop balancer |
►Cstream | |
Ccache | |
►Ntest | |
►Nmidi | |
Cdevice | |
Cdriver | |
►Nusb | |
Cdriver | |
►Nvirtuel | |
Cdriver | |
Cdevice | |
►Cdriver | |
Cclog | |
Cmatch_helper | |
Cmatch_helper< std::vector< std::string > > | |
►Cparser | Cmd line parser |
Cdictionary | |
Cdispatch | |
Cselect | |
Csurprise | |
►Nthread | Thread |
►Cprio | Thread::prio |
Crealtime | Thread::prio::realtime |
►Cworkgroup | |
Cinterval | |
Cjoin | |
►Ntrace | |
►Nindent | |
Creceipt | |
Creceipt | |
►Nusb | USB user mode interface namespace |
►N__ | |
Cendpoint | |
Cinterface | |
►Naudio | Generic USB audio 1.0 |
►Cdescriptor | USB audio class descriptors |
►Cendpoint | |
►Cmidi | |
Cgeneral | |
►Cstreaming | |
Cgeneral | |
Csubtype | |
Chead | |
►Cinterface | USB audio class interface descriptors |
►Ccontrol | USB audio class control interface descriptors |
Cclock_multiplier | |
Cclock_selector | |
Cclock_source | |
Ceffect_unit | |
Cextension_unit | |
Cfeature_unit | |
Chead | |
Cheader | |
►Cinput_terminal | |
Chead | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
►Cmixer_unit | |
Chead | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
►Coutput_terminal | |
Chead | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
Cprocessing_unit | |
Csamplerate_converter | |
Cselector_unit | |
Csubtype | |
►Cv1 | |
Cclock_selector | |
Cclock_selector1 | |
Ceffect_unit | |
Ceffect_unit1 | |
Cextension_unit | |
Cextension_unit1 | |
Cfeature_unit | |
Cfeature_unit1 | |
Cmixer_unit | |
Cmixer_unit1 | |
Cprocessing_unit | |
Cprocessing_unit1 | |
Cselector_unit | |
Cselector_unit1 | |
►Cv2 | |
Cclock_selector | |
Cclock_selector1 | |
Ceffect_unit | |
Ceffect_unit1 | |
Cextension_unit | |
Cextension_unit1 | |
Cfeature_unit | |
Cfeature_unit1 | |
Cmixer_unit | |
Cmixer_unit1 | |
Cprocessing_unit | |
Cprocessing_unit1 | |
Cselector_unit | |
Cselector_unit1 | |
Chead | |
►Cmidi | |
Celement | |
Chead | |
Cheader | |
►Cjack | |
Chead | |
Cin | |
Cout | |
Csubtype | |
►Cstreaming | USB audio class streaming interface descriptors |
Cencoder | |
►Cformat | |
►Cex | |
Ctype1 | |
Ctype2 | |
Ctype3 | |
Chead | |
►Ctype1 | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
►Ctype2 | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
Ctype4 | |
Cv1 | |
►Cv2 | |
Cex | |
►Cgeneral | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
Chead | |
Csubtype | |
Cv1 | |
Cv2 | |
Ctype | |
►Cisoc | |
►Ccycle | |
Ctick | |
Crange | |
Csubclass | |
►Nisoc | |
Cframe | |
►Nplatform | Platform dependend namespace |
Cdevice | |
Cinterface | |
►Cpipe | |
►Cisoc | |
Cbuffer | |
►Nstream | USB user mode streaming interface namespace |
C_device | |
Cdevice | |
►Cpipe | |
►Ccache | |
Cencoder | |
Cisoc | |
Nterminal | |
C__request_type | Standard USB control request definitions |
Ccontrol | |
►Cdescriptor | |
Ctype | |
Cdevice | |
►Cendpoint | USB specific errors |
Cattributes | |
Cinterface | |
►Cmidi | USB MIDI packetizer |
Cmsg | USB MIDI endpoint element types: defining the element size for a single USB MIDI pipe request |
Cpipe | |
Crequest | |
Crequest< data_t > | |
►Nvirtuel | |
►Nstream | |
C_device | Virtual streaming device interface class |
Cdevice | |
Ctarget | |
Cdriver | |
C__hide_if_ptr | |
C__scalar | |
Caggregate | |
►Casio | |
Cpause | |
►Ccircular | Kernel/user space shared circular buffer |
Cchannel | Copy/mix channel converters |
Cchannel< dst_t, src_t, false, false, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< dst_t >==std::is_floating_point_v< src_t > > > | |
Cchannel< dst_t, src_t, false, true > | |
Cchannel< dst_t, src_t, true, false > | |
Cchannel< dst_t, src_t, up, dn, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< dst_t > &&!std::is_floating_point_v< src_t > > > | |
Cchannel< dst_t, src_t, up, dn, typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_floating_point_v< dst_t > &&std::is_floating_point_v< src_t > > > | |
Cformat | |
Cclock | |
Cdevice | Abstract commom base device interface class |
Cdriver | Abstract base driver interface class This is the abstract base interface to a driver |
Cevent | |
Cevent< kernel > | Kernel triggerable user space event |
Cevent< user > | |
Cexception | |
Cfile | |
Cguid | |
Ciobridge | Ioctl bridge for 32/64bit user mode/kernel space big/little endian interface |
Claunch | RAII object launcher |
►Clog | |
Cscope | |
Cobject | |
Copen | RAII manage balanced object open/(close) |
Cos_event | Kernel/user space shared event representation |
►Cpci | Physical PCI stream descriptor |
Cdma | Physical DMA stream descriptor |
►Cprocess | |
Cmmcss | Mmcss | thread priority/process priority class |
Cregistry | Windows registry access |
Cserial | Serial interface |
Cvoid_struct | |
Cwindow | |
►Ndxd | Dynax driver framework kernel namespace |
►Nabstract | |
Cevent | Abstract::event: base clase to event<dx::user> and event<dx::kernel> to allow mixed user/kernel broadcast signalization |
Ndebug | |
►Ndmus | Dmus namespace |
Cminiport | Dmus::miniport |
Cstream | Dmus::stream |
►Ndoubly | |
►Nlinked | |
►Nabstract | |
Cevent | Semi lock free doubly linked event list |
Cevent | Semi lock free doubly linked event item |
Citem | Semi lock free doubly linked list item |
Clist | Partially lock free doubly linked list |
Nioctl | Kernel IOCTLs |
►Nlinked | |
►Nabstract | |
Cevent | Lock free linked event list item |
Cevent | Lock free linked event |
Citem | Singly linked list item |
Clink | |
Clist | Lock free singly linked list |
►Nmultichannel | |
►Cstream | Generic kernel multichannel stream |
►Cclock | |
Cmonitor | Clock::monitor buffer to be shared with user client mappings to measure jitter and latencies at various levels (IRQ, DPC, ASIO) |
Cin | Kernel stream mapped client reference counted in channel buffers |
►Cumap | Stream user mapping |
Cchannel | |
►Nportcls | Portcls namespace |
Cadapter | Adapter driver to request streaming pin description |
Cminiport | Portcls::miniport |
Cpin | |
Cstream | Portcls::stream base class |
Nproperty | |
►Nrange | Range namespace |
Caudio | KSDATARANGE_AUDIO constructor |
►Nwavecyclic | Wavecyclic namespace |
Cminiport | Wavecyclic::miniport |
Cstream | Wavecyclic::stream class |
►Nwdm | WDM++ - windows helper classes |
Cfile | File class |
Cirp | IRP class |
Cregistry | |
Cunicode | WDM unicode string helper |
Cworkitem | WDM workitem helper |
C__atomic_pointer | Atomic pointer operations |
C__atomic_pointer< type_t * > | |
C__atomic_scalar | |
C__atomic_scalar< 4, type_t > | 32bit atomic operations |
Cadapter | Adapter driver skeleton |
Cadjust | |
Cadjust< host > | |
Cadjust< swap > | |
Carray | |
Catomic | Atomic operations |
Catomic< type_t * > | Explicitely specify pointer template argument: |
Caudio | |
Cbroadcast | Broadcast signalization of participating linked event items |
Cbuffer | Kernel memory buffer w/o alignment and boundary requirements |
►Cbus | WDM BUS class |
Cdesc | Device description for bus class |
Cclient | |
Cdevice | |
Cengine | |
Cevent | IOKit user client |
Cevent< dx::kernel > | |
Cevent< dx::user > | Kernel representation of shared user space event |
Cfourchar_string | |
►Cfw | WDK: FireWire device |
Caddress | IOKit: FireWire address space |
Cphy | IOKit: FireWire physical address space |
Cguid | |
Ciostream | |
Clock | |
Cmap | WDK memory mapping |
Cmap< dx::kernel, vm_t > | WDK: kernel space memory mapping |
Cmap< dx::user, vm_t > | WDK: user space memory mapping |
Cmemory | Virtual kernel memory description |
Cmutex | Mutex |
Copen | |
►Cpci | |
►Cresources | |
Cmemory | |
Cscatter_gather | |
►Cport | Miniport creation helper |
Creference | |
Cppc | PPC device |
Cprocess | IOKit process thread |
Creference | Reference holder for object based reference counter |
Creferenced | Reference counting base class |
Cscoped | |
Cscoped<::URB > | |
Cspinlock | WDK spinlock |
►Cstream | Generic kernel stream |
Copened | Generic streaming interface description |
Cumap | Stream user mapping |
►Cusb_device | |
►Cpipe | IOKit: USB pipe class |
Cisoc_frame | |
Cusb_stream_client | Generic USB user client class |
►Cusb_stream_device | Generic USB device |
Cclock | |
Cstream | USB stream |
Cwstring | |
►Nsc | Sc - system configuration namespace |
►Cpreference | Persistant system configuration storarage |
Clock | |